
Showing posts from July, 2017

Spinal Stenosis

Pinched nerves are one of our primary concerns at Whole Health Chiropractic in Nampa, and spinal stenosis is one of the biggest risk factors. This term describes the narrowing of the spinal channel, potentially putting pressure on the spinal nerves at the neck or in the lumbar region. Some people have a genetic predisposition toward developing bone spurs inside their spines. When spurs develop in the lower, lumbar region, patients may develop sciatica. This causes pain or numbness in their legs and contributes to poor bowel control. Spinal spurs in the neck, or cervical region, can cause pain or weakness throughout the body and a tingling sensation in the arms. Bone spurs are not the only reason why the spinal channel may get narrower; degeneration of discs and cartilage may also be to blame. Dr. Oberti will conduct imaging and tactile tests to determine the reason for the patient’s stenosis. Treatment plans usually include physical therapy and manual adjustments. Dr. Anthony J. Oberti...

Spinal Curvature in Elderly Patients

At Whole Health Chiropractic, we don’t believe there ever comes a point when people need to accept a low quality of life. One of the questions people most commonly ask chiropractors is why people stoop over in old age. There are a few reasons, but none are inevitable. Osteoporosis is usually the culprit. This disease is characterized by tiny cracks in bone tissue. The cracks are typically acquired through small, everyday actions and don’t hurt enough for the patient to think they have a broken bone. But people who have osteoporosis are likely to experience more than one crack, and when enough cracks develop in the vertebrae, the backbones begin to collapse. This causes older people to lose height in addition to causing them to stoop. The best way to prevent osteoporosis is by maintaining good nutrition and posture. For people at risk, there are therapeutic exercises which can help to mitigate the damage. Spinal curvature can be painful, but we help patients manage it through chiropract...

Sciatica Causes and Treatment

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, so when it becomes damaged, the result is painful. Before Dr. Anthony J. Oberti of Whole Health Chiropractic can treat your sciatica, he must first determine the injury or ailment that is causing sciatic nerve pain. Sciatic nerve pain is typically felt from the low back (buttocks area) to behind the thigh and radiating down below the knee. One of the most common causes of sciatic nerve pain is a herniated disc. If you have spinal misalignments or an underlying condition such as spondylolisthesis, he may suggest chiropractic adjustments. While sciatica is often associated with low back pain, it can make walking difficult or almost impossible if left untreated. If you are experiencing symptoms of sciatica, visit us immediately. If you have questions or concerns regarding sciatica, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided by Whole Health Chiropractic, visit  for more information. To sched...