Benefits of Massage Therapy and Chiropractic

When chiropractic care joins forces with massage therapy, the benefits for the patient are endless. Not only do these two different approaches treat sore muscles and speed up recovery from injury, they also alleviate back and joint pain. At Whole Health Chiropractic, we offer massage therapy in junction with spinal manipulation as a hands-on, drug-free approach to treating musculoskeletal conditions.

Chiropractic treatment and massage therapy complement each other because they relax the muscles and joints. Even the healthiest person can have physical pain caused by tightness and stress. When used with chiropractic treatments, massage helps to increase blood flow, improves circulation, and helps decrease pain. Next time you visit our doctors at Whole Health Chiropractic, inquire about massage therapy.

If you have questions or concerns about massage therapy, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided by Whole Health Chiropractic, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment at Whole Health Chiropractic in Nampa, ID, call 208-442-1123.


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